
Mar 15, 2011

Genie Doodle

This started as a random doodle to clear my head after a long day, so the process for this image was very intuitive and different fromt he last one I showed. That's why there is another progress video for you to watch!

Most of the painting was done with a custom variation of a default Photoshop brush, which I put up for download for you! It's very simple, but fun for sketching and feels a bit like a pencil when you set the size to 2-5px. Please tell me how you like it!

And by the way, any input on what you would expect from the little guide/tutorial I've been talking about would be greatly appreciated. Someone suggested streaming it, which is a great idea for the future, but I won't do it this time.
I was thinking about putting a few custom brushes up for download and maybe giving tips on how to use them. How does that sound? What else would you guys like to know or see?


  1. Wow, das sieht toll aus *_* Die Farben passen super zusammen und das Mädchen sieht richtig hübsch aus.

    Die Idee mit den Brushes beim Tutorial finde ich super, weil ich nie weiß welche Brushes ich am besten benutzen soll.

  2. Thank you. I really like this. It is different to the others of yours I have seen. There is an undefined quality here which is dream-like. I like the contrast of the defined hair which stands out.

  3. @Leylaleya: Danke! Dann werde ich mal ein paar nette Brushes vorbereiten :)

    @Minty Montague: No, thank YOU :)

  4. I think this is one of your best! So alive and fluid!

  5. oh my gosh. this is wonderful! thank you for sharing your brushes, but unfortunately the link has an error :(
